viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

technology in my life

Today is the last post I do in this blog, so I will finish writting a brief essay about the technology I used during this year in some subjects or in my house in relation with the university and if really it help me for improve my performance in the tests and in my knowledge about some things in relation with my career, physical therapy. In the high school, I never use any type of object associated with technology, although in some subjects like physics or biology were necessary, that because my college was a bit poor, then haven´t opportunities to buy technology tools and in that years I haven´t got computer in my home.
When I entered to the university, my parents bought me a notebook because they thought could be a necessary tool in my university life and it has really be very important, because all
the group works I need use programs like microsoft word o power point and share information with other group members via messenger; the vast majority of my classes can be downloaded through a university site and so I can read it directly; other things I can do are:clarify questions about things a little more difficult, read scientifics articles that help me a understand better some structural and functional aspects of the human body. Being objetive, in the university I only has using some technological tools, in histology we needed use microscopes for see the tissues at the celular level and lately in functional anatomy, we use machines to measure blood pressure, the amount of air expired or the amount of hemoglobin circulating in the blood. Another technological aspect of the university is using a card for the library and so I can order the books or that managers know if I'm relate on the repayment of a text.
To finish I want to say I think the university has aspects that improve in technology and make this faculty a much more associated with technological tools, for example should buy new computers and good quality or the differents careers need specific tools according to your needs and what they learn in theirs career. So I think the technology play a important role in this university phase and I believe will be vital during the five year of the career and during my profesional life.

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